Below are items which I will no longer be using in Ham Radio. A lot of the items are for builders and for those "Makers" who use Arduino or Raspberry Pi computers. If you see something which meets your eye, or you wish more information, drop me a line via email (bill at Include your phone number, and I'll give you a call. None of the prices include shipping, so we have to figure out those costs. (Or you may pick it up if you are in this area).
A Receive only Amplifier designed and built by Clifton Labs (now owned by DX Engineering) along with a bandpass amplifier centered at 8215 KHz (for the IF of a K3) . Useful for experimenters.
Cable to connect an Elecraft K3 to a remote control accessory. All rear panel connectors go to one connector. Useful for home-brew projects and to combine the mess or wires behind a radio into one cable.
A foot switch, never used, with bare wire ends for connecting to the plug of your choice.
Basic 2 meter rig. Solid. Dependable. Microphone (Not shown) is also included - just forgot it for the picture. Mobile bracket included. Everything works. Picture looks worse than its actual condition.
From the pages of QST, a versatile T/R Switch for connecting an antenna to an external receiver (or SDR). Instructions, QST article attached.
Cable to connect aTen-Tec OMNI 7 to a remote control accessory. All rear panel connectors go to one connector. Useful for home-brew projects and to combine the mess or wires behind a radio into one cable.
For the Elecraft KPA100 - Kits for shield upgrade (KPA100SHLDKT) along with KPA100UPKT upgrade kit and KPA100MODKT modification kit. Purchased by mistake. $50 originally. Everything included.
Heil HM-5 microphone with two cables: One with an 8 pin RG-45 Modular plug (Flex Radio) and one with an 8-pin circular connector with plug for foot switch (Elecraft or Kenwood). Has built in PTT switch, but may be used with Vox. All for the price of the cables.
A Heil manufactured foot switch.
I used this to operate an Elecraft K3 remotely with an iPad. No longer have the K3, but maybe someone can use it. Originally over $100.
The Elecraft PR6 is a 6 meter preamp for receivers which may need a little boost on this magic band. Ant in, Out to RX, and Bypass connectors, along with +12 volt control line.
A foot switch, never used, plug, ready to be used.